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Tekijäpäivä 2024

Tuoteuutuuksia RengasDuolta
Editor`s Diary, Automechanika Shanghai 2024, 2.-5.12.
Day One, Opening Ceremony
My first Automechanika Shanghai was in 2008. I was travelling solo in a huge megapolis, my first China trip ever. I still remember a piercing cold wind, blue skies and the brightest sunshine I`ve ever seen in November. It was the fourth Automechanika in China, a very tiny one. But you could tell that at once. This baby was destined to become a giant.
Sixteen years later I share the impressions of the sensational Automechanicha Shanghai 2024 with my international colleagues and friends from all over the world. The boost of professional synergy is immense. It`s an energy of Asia.
This year I was invited by Messe Frankfurt to join an international group of VIP overseas media attending the anniversary edition of Automechanika Shanghai 2024. Media representatives, journalists and influencers from 14 countries started their first day by attending the opening ceremony of AMS 2024.
Automechanika Shanghai 2024 is a remarkable event of both national and international scale in China. The emerging automotive market of the world`s leading automotive manufacturer needs a platform to update and upgrade its distribution networking, and Automechanika Shanghai 2024 is a hot spot.
The word of the first day of AMS is Complexity. The complexity of automotive technology, aftermarket, data, education, industry, trade, software, economy, environment, sustainability. The complexity of life…
Automechanica Shanghai itself is an immensely complex infrustructure. The progress of the last twenty years is incredible, and the sky is a limit.
Complexity is a multitask. Synergy and focus guarantee the targeted result. There`s no shortcut to a success, it is a hard work. Congratulations on 20th anniversary, Automechanika Shanghai 2024. To be continued.
Automediat RVK Uutiset
#automechanika #messefrankfurt #automechanikashanghai #shanghai #automotive #industry #china #business #media #complexity

Editor`s Diary, Automechanika Shanghai 2024, 2.-5.12.
Day One, Opening Ceremony
My first Automechanika Shanghai was in 2008. I was travelling solo in a huge megapolis, my first China trip ever. I still remember a piercing cold wind, blue skies and the brightest sunshine I`ve ever seen in November. It was the fourth Automechanika in China, a very tiny one. But you could tell that at once. This baby was destined to become a giant.
Sixteen years later I share the impressions of the sensational Automechanicha Shanghai 2024 with my international colleagues and friends from all over the world. The boost of professional synergy is immense. It`s an energy of Asia.
This year I was invited by Messe Frankfurt to join an international group of VIP overseas media attending the anniversary edition of Automechanika Shanghai 2024. Media representatives, journalists and influencers from 14 countries started their first day by attending the opening ceremony of AMS 2024.
Automechanika Shanghai 2024 is a remarkable event of both national and international scale in China. The emerging automotive market of the world`s leading automotive manufacturer needs a platform to update and upgrade its distribution networking, and Automechanika Shanghai 2024 is a hot spot.
The word of the first day of AMS is Complexity. The complexity of automotive technology, aftermarket, data, education, industry, trade, software, economy, environment, sustainability. The complexity of life…
Automechanica Shanghai itself is an immensely complex infrustructure. The progress of the last twenty years is incredible, and the sky is a limit.
Complexity is a multitask. Synergy and focus guarantee the targeted result. There`s no shortcut to a success, it is a hard work. Congratulations on 20th anniversary, Automechanika Shanghai 2024. To be continued.
Automediat RVK Uutiset
#automechanika #messefrankfurt #automechanikashanghai #shanghai #automotive #industry #china #business #media #complexity
Finnish Keep-Peace vs. Australian Drink-Piss #kippis #shanghai #cheers #aussi #finnish #china #fun #dinner

Finnish Keep-Peace vs. Australian Drink-Piss #kippis #shanghai #cheers #aussi #finnish #china #fun #dinner
Learning Chopstic with Malesian and Japanese colleagues #automechanika #automechanikashanghai #shanghai #automediat #ahlavuo #visitchina #visitshanghai #messefrankfurt #china #chopsticks

Learning Chopstic with Malesian and Japanese colleagues #automechanika #automechanikashanghai #shanghai #automediat #ahlavuo #visitchina #visitshanghai #messefrankfurt #china #chopsticks
Automechanika Shanghai. The first impression is simply WOW #automechanika #messefrankfurt #automechanikafrankfurt #automechanikashanghai #shanghai #china #madeinchina #visitchina

Automechanika Shanghai. The first impression is simply WOW #automechanika #messefrankfurt #automechanikafrankfurt #automechanikashanghai #shanghai #china #madeinchina #visitchina
It`s a Synergy #lesmills #lesmillssprint #lesmillsnordic #esportbristol #november #monday #gym #liikunta #happiness #myhelsinki #finland #tehotreeni

It`s a Synergy #lesmills #lesmillssprint #lesmillsnordic #esportbristol #november #monday #gym #liikunta #happiness #myhelsinki #finland #tehotreeni
The simplest joy of life is #dance
#helsinki #winter #cold #dark #disgusting #nothing #ever #happens #but #we #are #happy #when #we #dance

The simplest joy of life is #dance
#helsinki #winter #cold #dark #disgusting #nothing #ever #happens #but #we #are #happy #when #we #dance
RVK Uutiset nro 8/2024 on ilmestynyt, voit ladata sen itsellesi alla olevasta painikkeesta.